Konsultasi Sawit

Layanan konsultasi, pelatihan, Pendidikan dan penilaian/audit,sektor palm oil  mencakup :

  1. Processing
  2. Maintenance
  3. Laboratorium
  4. Peningkatan Mill Performance
  5. Mill Automation and New Technologi
  6. Design Mill
  7. Study and Konseptual pembangunan Pabrik Baru.
  8. Mill comisioning and Test of complicence
  9. Peningkatan OER Mill
  10. Peningkatan KER
  11. PPIC
  12. logistik/warehouse
  13. QA/QC
  14. Technical and managerial staff untill Head Production.
  15. RSPO
  16. ISPO
  17. SCCS
  18. ISCC

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